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Do you want to reach out to prospective students and show them why they should come to Ithaca? Do you want to help prospective students see what Ithaca is all about? Sign up to table at Ithaca Today organization fair - April 12th and 13th.

Email Giulia Dwight at no later than March 21st!!!



Sign up to table at the student organization fair of the upcoming admissions event, Ithaca Today, which will take place on April 12th and 13th. This event isn't only a chance for your organization to reach out to prospective students but also the opportunity to represent the college and show them why Ithaca College is such a great place to be.

The organization fair will go from 11.45am to 1pm on both days. In order to sign up for tabling we will need you contact us at with the following information:

Name of the Organization
Who will be tabling for the organization
At what time each individual will be tabling
Contact information of all people tabling

I will need a confirmation no later than Friday March 21st.


*Tables availability is limited therefore we will take applications on a first-come, first-served basis.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Giulia Dwight at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Sign Up For The Ithaca Today Organization Fair | 0 Comments |
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