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A Saturday Mini-Retreat

Contributed by Kevin Walker on 03/21/14 

Ever wondered what a Buddhist retreat consists of?

The Ithaca College Buddhist Community is hosting a mini-retreat in Muller Chapel on Saturday March 22nd from 9 am-noon. Activities will include sitting meditation, walking meditation, reciting a sutta (in English), and mindful eating. Participants may come and go as they need to. A tentative schedule is below, hope to see you Saturday!



9 am-9:10 am: Welcome, liturgy reading

9:10 am-10 am: 2 rounds of sitting meditation for 20 minutes; 5 minute breaks between

10ish: Intro to walking meditation

10:10 am- 10:40 am: 10 min. walking meditation, 20 minutes sitting

10:40 am: Chanting of the Metta Sutta (English)

10:45 am- 10 min. walking meditation and then last 20 min. sitting meditation

11:15 am- Introduction to mindful eating

11:25 am- noon: Mindful eating



Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Kevin Walker at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

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