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Violinist Nicholas DiEugenio, Assistant Professor of Music, joined violinist Daniel S. Lee and the Sebastian Chamber Players in a collaboration with the vocal group TENET on Saturday, March 22, at St. Ignatius of Antioch Episcopal Church in Manhattan. The performance received a review in the Arts section of the New York Times.

Violinist Nicholas DiEugenio, Assistant Professor of Music, joined violinist Daniel S. Lee and the Sebastian Chamber Players in a collaboration with the vocal group TENET on Saturday, March 22, at St. Ignatius of Antioch Episcopal Church in Manhattan. DiEugenio performed the ninth "Mystery" Sonata of Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber, as well as Biber's Partia V, as part of the annual lenten TENEbrae series.

The performance received a review in the Arts section of the New York Times.

Violinist Nicholas DiEugenio performs in New York City | 0 Comments |
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