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In the Outlook Web App you can “publish” your calendar, making it visible to others, including people outside of our organization.

This is NOT the same as sharing or setting permissions for people on campus. Publishing your calendar does not allow people to edit your calendar. For information on sharing or setting permissions for people within our organization, click here.

To publish your calendar:

  1. Login to Outlook Web App (
  2. Open your calendar.
  3. Right-click Calendar under the "My Calendars" group in the calendar list on the left.
  4. Click Permissions... in the popup menu.
  5. At the bottom of your calendar permissions list you will see "Public Calendar" with a drop-down menu of the following options:
    • Not Shared
    • Availability Only (Free/Busy time)
    • Limited Details (Subject/Location)
    • Full Details (Subject/Location/Notes)
  6. Select the level of detail you’d like to publish and click Save.
  7. Again, right-click Calendar under the "My Calendars" group in the calendar list on the left.
  8. Click Permissions... in the popup menu.
  9. At the bottom of your calendar permissions list you will now see "Public Calendar" with the following two links:
    • View Calendar (contains a URL that can be shared and will open your calendar in a web browser)
    • Subscribe to Calendar (downloads an “.ics” file that can be opened in a calendar application, such as Outlook or Apple Calendar)
  10. Share either the link or the .ics file with those you wish to share your calendar.


Every week, ITS provides a tip or trick for using the Outlook Calendar.  Training on Outlook Calendar is available in the Technology Learning Center (Friends Hall 101).  

  • If your department or group is interested in a closed-session workshop on Outlook Calendar, please complete and submit this form.
  • To request one to one training with a TLC Training Specialist, please complete and submit this form.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Tony Tabone at or (607) 274-1045. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Outlook Calendar Tip of the Week - Publishing Your Calendar | 0 Comments |
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