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Fan Fiction!

Contributed by Katharine Kittredge on 03/30/14 

Do you love writing and reading fan fiction?  Do you think you might like to give it a try?  A panel of three fan fiction writers will offer expert advice on how to get your fan fiction read, reviewed, and recommended.  Saturday, April 5, 1-2 pm in Emerson A.



Saturday, April 5, 2014

Emerson Suites, Campus Center


All Events are Free

Emerson B&C

  • Comic book writers and artists autographing their work. For complete list see
  • Vendors of collectable comics, graphic novels, and related items.
  •  Ithaca High School & Ithaca College Student Organizations

 Programming in Emerson A

  • 11:00 "How I Broke In" (panel of professional writers and artists + editor Will Dennis)
  • 12:00 "Anime Amazons" (Kristiina Korpus)
  • 1:00 "The Three R's of Fan Fiction: How to Get your Fic Read, Reviewed, and Recommended"(Kelly Kane, Carrie Haas, Olivia Mendoza)
  •  2:00 "Tools of the Trade"(panel of professional writers and artists)

Portfolio Reviews for Aspiring Comic Creators 1:00-2pm

 Will Dennis, a senior editor at Vertigo Comics, a division of DC, is a graduate of Ithaca High School and the Park School of Communications at Ithaca College. He has edited titles such as 100 Bullets, Hellblazer, Y the Last Man, and Lady Constantine. Recent credits include Spacemen, the Before Watchmen series, and the collection Superman for Tomorrow.

 Interested students should contact Katharine Kittredge  to reserve a spot.  If any space is still available on April 5, walk-ins will be able to register at the sign-in desk.

ITHACON is co-sponsored by The Comic Book Club of Ithaca, and the Ithaca College Departments of Art, Writing, Journalism, and English.

Persons needing accommodation should contact Katharine Kittredge at


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