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Service Learning in Native America (ANTH 14500; 3 credits; CRN 10130) will be offered during the May 2014 session (May 13-23) where we will travel to the Cayuga and Onondaga Nations and participate in many projects the nations need help with.


While working in the homeland of the Haudenosaunee, particularly the Cayuga and Onondaga Nations, you will engage with hands on activities in elders’ gardens, at a traditional lacrosse stick making shop and at various cultural and historical centers. We also visit the Onondaga Nation buffalo herd.

This course focuses on learning about and giving back to local Native cultures. During the various projects we work on you will learn about the Haudenosaunee, their history, struggles, and contemporary efforts at revitalization. Specific subjects we will read about and discuss include the origin story of the Haudenosaunee, the Sullivan-Clinton Campaign of 1779, herbal medicines, the Cayuga SHARE Farm, activist anthropology, revitalization of foodways, archaeological reconstruction of the Cayuga homeland and land claims.

For more information about the class contact Brooke Hansen at -- space is limited!

Want to spend the Maymester working outdoors in Native American homelands and earning 3 credits?! | 0 Comments |
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