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What are some career options for students who major or minor in Aging Studies? What have Aging Studies graduates done after leaving Ithaca College? Come hear the stories of three recent grads in “Career Options in Aging,” an alumni panel discussion on Monday, April 7, 3-4 p.m., in Hill Center 107.

Alumni presenting include:

  • Dan Gutkoski '07, Health System Specialist in the Office of Geriatrics and Extended Care Operations at the Veteran’s Health Administration, VA Central Office, Washington DC; 
  • Lauren Campasano ’12, MSW student at Rutgers University and former employee at Sunrise Senior Living in Paramus, NJ; and
  • Lai-Siu Leung '09, Outreach Worker with the Tompkins County Office for the Aging.

This event is being held as part of Careers in Aging Week, an annual event sponsored by the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education to bring greater awareness and visibility to the wide-ranging career opportunities in aging and aging research.

For more information, contact Mary Ann Erickson, chair and associate professor of aging studies, at or 607-274-3705.

Career Options in Aging -- Monday! | 0 Comments |
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