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Class of 2014 - 

IC Senior Week is almost here! Senior Week pass sales will be occurring next week, Tuesday, April 8th through Friday, April 11thThis is your only time to purchase a Senior Week pass, no late sales will be permitted. All seniors attending IC Senior Week must be 21+.

Senior Week Pass Sales open on Tuesday, April 8th at 10 AM for Senior Card Holders ONLY.

Pass Sales open for all seniors on Wednesday, April 9th at 10 AM.

Senior Week Passes are $55 with a Senior Card, and $110 without. Senior Week Passes are only sold online at The link will be available on the website when sales go live. Credit/Debit Card is the only accepted form of payment.

Wine Tours are available for an additional $15. Seniors may choose to go on one of four wine tours - we offer a Seneca and a Cayuga Lake Wine Tour on both Tuesday and Thursday of Senior Week. Wine Tours sell out fast and capacities are limited.

A limited number of guest passes are available to the Senior Week Formal - these are an additional $25, and you must purchase them with your Senior Week pass. All guests must be 21+, and their name must be provided when you are purchasing your pass.

All Senior Week passes, wine tours, and guest passes are non-refundable.

If you have any questions about anything regarding Senior Week, please email Be sure to check out our website and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for the most up-to-date Senior Week announcements.

Thanks, and get ready to celebrate everything you've accomplished during your four years at IC!

The Senior Week Co-Chairs,

Chelsey Lavere and Zach Woelfel

Amanda Adams, Greg Johnson, and Alyn O'Brien



Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Samantha Stafford at or (607) 274-3222. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Senior Week Passes on Sale Soon: April 8th-11th | 0 Comments |
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