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Charles De-Ganga, Biochemistry’14

I am currently interested in general surgery and plastic surgery as specializations are concerned, but I am staying open to all experiences in medical school. I hope to be able to return to my home country of Nigeria to contribute to the betterment of health care system there. Having lived in Nigeria for 18 years of my life, I am well aware of the need for better health care professionals and facilities, and would like to set up a practice there as well.

Benjamin Jung, Biochemistry ‘16

His dream is to become a physician to help people who are suffering from physiological problems.   To learn more about the profession he has travelled to Costa Rica and Nicaragua to volunteer.  He also participated in a program in Thailand that allowed him to do clinical rotations . This experience confirmed his interest and desire to continue to medical school.

Thank you, Dr. Kastenbaum for your support!

Fred Kastenbaum PreHealth Award Recipients: Charles De-Ganga and Benjamin Jung! | 0 Comments |
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