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The 2014 Finger Lakes Landfill Summit will be held at Hobart and William Smith Colleges on April 9, 2014 from 6:30 to 9:00 pm at Albright Auditorium on the HWS Campus. The Summit is co-sponsored by the City of Geneva and the Colleges, and aims to foster regional dialogue and greater understanding of the impact of solid waste management on the economy and communities of the northern Finger Lakes area.

While the 2013 Landfill Summit focused on answering the question, “Where are we?” with regard to the solid waste situation in the northern Seneca Lake region, the 2014 summit will present information about “Where should we try to go?”

Experts in solid waste management, composting, recycling, and local control will present.

The event is free and open to the public. Parking is available in the HWS Medbery Parking Lot located at 300 Pulteney St., Geneva. Albright Auditorium is located in Lansing Hall (10 St. Clair St.).




Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Patricia Rodriguez at or (607) 274-5714. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

II Landfill Summit WED April 9 630 pm in Geneva ny | 0 Comments |
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