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ICLO produces "EDGES The Musical" Saturday, April 19th at 2pm and 6pm in the Presser Rehearsal Hall located in the James J. Whalen Center for Music. Admission is free.


ICLO will present "EDGES The Musical" Saturday, April 19th at 2pm and 6pm in the Presser Rehearsal Hall located in the James J. Whalen Center for Music. "EDEGES" is a modern take on the classic 'coming of age' story, featuring men and woman in their 20's who discover themselves through each other.

Expect great music and an amazing story.  Admission is FREE and open to the public.

About Ithaca College Light Opera

Ithaca College Light Opera is Ithaca College’s only student-operated operatic performing arts company.  ICLO desires to bring opera to all audiences while providing a collegial and supportive environment in which students, through such mediums as performing, conducting, directing and more, can fully immerse themselves in the operatic experience. 

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Eric Flyte at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Ithaca College Light Opera produces "EDGES The Musical" | 0 Comments |
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