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Begining Monday, April 14th, a variety of Grab & Go bagged lunches will be available for purchase at the Library Cafe, located on the 2nd Floor, in the back of the Gannett Library.

Lunch will include your choice from a selection of sandwiches, Ruffles chips, red apple, chocolate chip cookies and a bottled water.

Convenience - On Campus.

Hours of Operation:
-- Monday - Friday
-- 11:30am - 12:30pm
-- Grab & Go lunch service will run from Monday, April 14th - Friday, May 9th


Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Rebecca Sexton at or (607) 274-7352. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Grab & Go Lunch Service - Now available at the Library Cafe! | 0 Comments |
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