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On Thursday, April 17, from Noon – 1 p.m., the Dorothy D. and Roy H. Park Center for Business and Sustainable Enterprise is proud to host the Annual Sustainability in Action Student-Faculty colloquium.

In keeping with the College’s commitment to sustainability, students and faculty in the School of Business have engaged in collaborative research. Four talks from students and faculty are on the schedule.

Mary Ellen Zuckerman, Dean of the School of Business, will act as moderator and the following groups will present, which include two teams from the Third Annual Sustainability Case Competition. 

Team Community Solutions: David Barken, Lewis Kendall, and John Winters DiMarco.

People Helping People: Erling Kristiansen, Cameron Miller, Spencer Carr, Andrew Lightner, and Zane Coffey

Alyssa Stoeckl, Ali Al Marzouqi, Anzella Afroze, and Kristen Brown, will be presenting: Paper book vs. Ebook: A Carbon Footprint Analysis.  This presentation will demonstrate how much carbon emission is caused by an IC student during a 4-year period of using textbooks. The analysis will shed light on how we can work to become a more sustainable campus. 

And Rebecca Blondin, from Net Impact, will take "A Look Back" at past experiences from Net Impact national conferences. 

The event will take place in BUS 111. 


Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Paul Deamer at or (607) 274-1279. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

School of Business to Host Annual Sustainability in Action Forum this Thursday | 0 Comments |
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