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Ithaca College Theatre students are joining with Ithaca High School students for a day of theatre exploration and learning via Arthur Miller’s “The Crucible” on Thursday April 24 at Ithaca High School.

The day will consist of nine workshops pertaining to different elements and themes in Arthur Miller’s classic play. All juniors at Ithaca High School will be attending a student performance of “The Crucible” on April 25th at 10am, and the workshops are a way of educating the students about the play using methods other than literature and lecture. “The workshops allow students to turn their knowledge into action”, says Katlyn Rapini ’14, coordinator of the program.

Workshops will be focused on the idea of Ithaca High School as a community, and the parallels between that community and that of “The Crucible” will allow students to have a better understanding of what “The Crucible” is truly about.

The program will run for the full school day and Ithaca College students will lead students in discussions about the play and theatre etiquette. Each season will also feature a Q&A session during which students can ask different questions about the production. Ithaca High School English teachers will receive a study guide on “The Crucible” created by Dominic Barbaro ‘15, Katy Newton ’14, and Katlyn Rapini ’14 to use as a reference for in class discussion.

“I hope that this enhances our production of “The Crucible” and allows them to see it in a new light”, says Rapini ’14. The program will be a way for students to have a greater appreciation not only for Ithaca College Theatre’s production of “The Crucible”, but for all theatre and the constructive learning environment that it provides, particularly for discussing challenging issues.

Performance of "The Crucible" begin April 22nd. Tickets are currently on sale and available by calling (607) 274-3224. Visit for more information. Also, follow us on Facebook ( and Twitter (

From day one, Ithaca College prepares students for personal and professional success through hands-on experience with internships, research and study abroad. Its integrative curriculum builds bridges across disciplines and uniquely blends liberal arts and professional study. Located in New York’s Finger Lakes region, the College is home to 6,100 undergraduate and 400 graduate students and offers over 100 degree programs in its schools of Business, Communications, Humanities and Sciences, Health Science and Human Performance, and Music.

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