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Distractfold Ensemble

Hockett Family Recital Hall, School of Music

Monday, April 21, 8:15 p.m.

Distractfold Ensemble, a group based in Manchester, U.K. that specializes in some of the most cutting-edge and experimental contemporary music will perform a concert consisting of new compositions by emigré Latin American composers.

In addition, Distractfold will hold readings of Ithaca College student composers' works on Tuesday, April 22, 9 - 11 a.m. in Hockett Family Recital Hall.

Since their debut in 2011, Distractfold has become established as a fresh, strong and daring voice in the UK music community. The group specialises in instrumental, acousmatic and hybrid music of the 21st century written by composers of the new generation. We have productive collaborative links with the Architectural Association in London (resulting in concerts at the Roca Gallery  in London,  Matadero in Madrid and the 2013 Lisbon Architecture Triennale), Allard Van Hoorn and the International Anthony Burgess Foundation where the ensemble holds a quarterly residence of self-produced concerts including guests such as the Mivos Quartet, the Noise Upstairs and Le Quan Ninh.

Pedro Alvarez (Chile/UK), Últimos for string trio

Felipe Lara (Brazil/US), Postcards, violin and clarinet

Pablo Santiago Chin (Costa Rica/US), Persona for solo cello

Anna Clyne (UK/US), Rapture for amplified cello and tape

Mauricio Pauly (Costa Rica/UK), Its Fleece Electrostatic, amplified violin and pedals

Santiago Diez-Fischer (Argentina/FR), Far-off for string truo

Jorge Villavicencio Grossmann (Peru/US), Latitudes for string trio and clarinet

This concert is part of the Robert G. Boehmler Community Foundation Series and Ithaca College Latin American Music Festival celebrating the roots—past and present –of Latin American music. 

View the Events Calendar posting here.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Erik Kibelsbeck at or (607) 274-3717. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

U.K.-based Distractfold Ensemble Performs as part of IC's Latin American Music Festival | 0 Comments |
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