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Please join us for a Holocaust Commemoration ceremony on Monday, April 28, at 12:10pm. 

We will gather to pay tribute to those murdered, during one of the darkest pages in human history. 

During the ceremony we will have a chance to hear from Jewish, Protestant, Catholic, and LGBT communities on campus, say Kaddish (a traditional Jewish mourning prayer) and light memorial candles for countless victims of fascist genocide. 

Please view the Events Calendar posting here.

Holocaust Commemoration Ceremony | 1 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Holocaust Commemoration Ceremony Comment from lbecker on 04/23/14
Please let everyone know the location of the Ceremony. Thank you.