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There's Still Time to Claim A plot in the Circles Community Garden This Summer

Sticking around for the summer? Why not stick some seeds into the ground?
The Circles Community Garden is opening its plots up to all Ithaca College community members looking to actively maintain garden plots. 

There are at least 15 plots, waiting to be claimed, that will be doled out on a first-come-first-serve basis, so act quickly! Tools are accessible on a loaning basis during the front desk hours in the Circles Community Building (Monday - Friday 9 AM - 6 PM, Saturday & Sunday 12 PM - 6 PM).

Head to the front desk of the Circles Community Building to sign up! Look over the Working Agreement next to the sign-up to make sure that the commitment is right for you.

We will be accepting applications until May 27th.

For more information or general questions contact the Circles at

Circles Summer Community Garden! | 0 Comments |
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