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The Izzy Awards and I. F. Stone Hall of Fame ceremony will take place this evening, Monday, April 28 at 7:00 p.m. in Park Hall Auditorium. We hope you’ll join us to honor and hear from internationally acclaimed journalists Jeremy Scahill, whose book “Dirty Wars” was made into an Oscar-nominated documentary, and Glenn Greenwald (dubbed “the world’s most controversial journalist” by CNN), the Hall of Fame inductees.

Investigative journalists John Carlos Frey and Nick Turse, who are sharing the sixth annual Izzy Award for “outstanding achievement in independent media,” will speak as well.

Frey is being honored for his reporting on U.S./Mexico border deaths and coverage of excessive force by Border Patrol agents, and Turse for giving voice to civilian casualties of U.S. wars from Vietnam to today. 

Both the award and hall of fame are named in memory of legendary 20th century journalist I. F. “Izzy” Stone, whose son Jeremy Stone, along with Izzy Stone biographer Myra MacPherson, will participate in the ceremony as well.

There will be a book signing after the ceremony.

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Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodation should contact Brandy Hawley at 607-274-3590 or Please make requests for accommodations as far in advance as possible.

View the Events Calendar posting.


Izzy Awards Tonight, 7:00 p.m., Park Aud | 0 Comments |
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