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Do you love using the Adobe Creative Suite?  How about Instagram or Pinterest? There are several types of positions on our marketing team for next school year, including one PAID Student Marketing Assistant and three internships.

We're looking for a student interested in marketing strategy, design & social media to be our Student Marketing Assistant (SMA).  The SMA role is a paid position involved in all components of our marketing campaigns.  The SMA role requires a 10 hour per week commitment.

Interns can focus on social media, videography or design.  Internships are unpaid and require up to a 10 hour per week commitment.

You can read the full position descriptions, and apply, in eRecruiting.  Please submit applications by Friday, May 2.

If you have any questions about the opportunities available on the Marketing Team, please contact Kristin LiBritz at

Get Design & Social Media Experience on the Career Services Marketing Team! | 0 Comments |
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