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As part of the wind-down to the end of the semester, all new incoming packages arriving for Circles residents are being held at the Phillips Hall Post Office for pickup (8:30am-4:30pm).

All packages currently in Circles mailroom which arrived prior to 4/22 will still be available for pickup until the end of the day, Friday 5/2. If you get a notification to pick up a package, please read it to verify the location.

  • Reminder notices will be sent for unclaimed packages in Circles or Phillips Hall. 
  • New packages will only say Phillips Hall. 

 On Monday 5/5, any remaining packages in Circles mailroom will be moved to Phillips Hall for pickup. Circles mailroom will then be closed until the start of Fall semester.

Regular mail will still be sorted into mailboxes without interruption.

Thank you.

Incoming packages for Circles residents | 0 Comments |
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