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IC Greens Seek Leaders

Contributed by Joshua Kelly on 04/27/14 

The IC Greens seek individuals who are interested in taking on leadership positions. Elections for Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Treasurer, and Secretary will be held on Thursday, May 1st, 2014 at 8pm in Friends 201. Elections for the Director of Environmental Affairs, the Director of Social Justice Affairs, and the Executive Producer of the Greens Theatre Project will be held in the fall. Contact the IC Greens at if you're interested in taking on a leadership role.

The IC Greens seek individuals who are interested in taking on leadership positions. Elections for Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Treasurer, and Secretary will be held on Thursday, May 1st, 2014 at 8pm in Friends 201. Elections for the Director of Environmental Affairs, the Director of Social Justice Affairs, and the Executive Producer of the Greens Theatre Project will be held in the fall. Contact the IC Greens at if you're interested in taking on a leadership role.

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