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Let an experienced company take care of your shipping and summer storage needs! With DOOR-TO-DOOR SERVICE and FLEXIBLE SCHEDULING, you can focus all of your energy on finals.

Big Red Shipping & Storage (BRSS) is a proud donating sponsor of the IC IBA. They'll be at Campus Center for the next two weeks. Grab your packing supplies while they last!​

Location: Campus Center Lobby

Dates: 4/28- 5/12 Monday through Friday

Time: 9 AM-3 PM

What: Boxes, tape, bubble wrap, and more supplies are available for sale! They accept credit cards. Ask about roommate discounts.

Why: So you can enjoy your last few weeks, stress free.

*Schedule an appointment online at anytime!

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Anna Isachenko at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

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