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“The Night of Broken Glass,” a short story by Jack Wang, associate professor and chair of the Department of Writing, has been shortlisted for the 2014 Commonwealth Short Story Prize. His story is one of 19 finalists chosen by an international panel of judges from over 3,700 entries from 53 Commonwealth nations.

The Commonwealth Short Story Prize is an annual award for unpublished short fiction administered and funded by the Commonwealth Foundation. The Short Story Prize is part of Commonwealth Writers, a cultural initiative that aims to build communities of writers and storytellers and link them to groups which seek to bring about social change.

The prize covers the Commonwealth regions of 1. Africa, 2. Asia, 3. Canada and Europe, 4. Caribbean, and 5. Pacific. Regional prizes of £2,500 each will be awarded on May 14. The overall prize of £5,000 will be awarded on June 13 in Kampala, Uganda. As a Canadian citizen, Wang is a finalist in region 3.

The overall and regional winners of the Short Story Prize will be considered for publication in Granta online.

Writing Professor Shortlisted for the Commonwealth Short Story Prize | 0 Comments |
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