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The elections committee has voted unanimously to release the following:

 On May 1st, the SGA was criticized by a writer for the Ithacan for the absence of the results from the recent SGA elections. Although we disagree with the analysis and false comparison in the editorial, the principle remains the same regarding transparency. Part of our job as student leaders is to hold each other accountable, and to respond accordingly in the service of the student body. Unlike the current administration, we are willing to serve the campus community by attempting to acknowledge what is taking place, and then reconcile or bring resolve to issues of disconnect. Therefore we present the detailed election results below.

Dominick Recckio
Chair SGA Elections Committee

Total Votes: 1,224

ICSGA Executive Board - 1,224
IC ALL THAT - 459 votes, 37.5%
IC SUCCESS - 363 votes, 29.65%
IC CONNECT - 346 votes, 28.26%
no confidence - 56 votes, 4.57%

SENIOR Class Executive board - 407
TEAM FIFTEEN - 229 votes, 58.26%
SENIORS ASSEMBLE - 158 votes, 38.82%
no confidence - 20 votes, 4.9%

Alumni Class Council President - 184
Greg Addicott - 153 votes, 83.15%
no confidence - 31 votes, 16. 84%

Alumni cc VP/reunion chair- 184
Chloe Wilson - 75 votes, 40.76%
Alex Greco - 67 votes, 36.41%
Katelyn Madison - 22 votes, 11.95%
no confidence - 20 votes, 10.86%

Alumni cc communications - 184
Kristen Tomkowid - 145 votes, 78.8%
No confidence - 39 votes, 21.19%

2016 CC president - 291
Marlowe Padilla - 254 votes, 87.97%
no confidence - 35 votes, 12.02%

2016 CC VP - 291
Emma Behrens - 245 votes, 84.19%
No confidence - 46 votes, 15.8%

2016 Treasurer - 291
Alana Rosansky - 238 votes, 81.78%
No confidence - 53 votes, 18.21%

2016 CC Secretary/communications
Natasha Brower -  253 votes, 84.96%
No confidence, 38 votes, 15.04%

2017 CC President - 279
Ashely Serianni - 211 votes, 75.62%
no confidence - 68 votes, 24.37%

2017 CC VP - 279
Gabby Reese - 148 votes, 53.04%
Griffin Schultz - 81 votes, 29.03%
no confidence - 15 votes, 17.92%

2017 CC Secretary/Communication - 279
Andres Garcia - 143 votes, 51.25%
Gabby Reese - 94 votes, 33.69%
No confidence - 42 votes, 15.05%

International Senator - 46
Marcel Fischler - 21 votes, 45.65%
Attila Mendli - 18 votes, 39.13%
no confidence - 7 votes, 15.21%

Club Sports Senator - 227
Tim Orrell - 191 votes, 84.14%
no confidence - 36 votes, 15.85%

Class of 2017 Senator - 279
Rachel Roizin-Prior - 146 votes, 37.62%
Josh Kelly - 116 votes, 29.89% (chose to be senator in large instead, Mohammed Shaw will be taking this position)
Mohammed Shaw - 99 votes, 25.51%
No confidence - 27 votes, 6.95%

Class of 2015 Senator - 410
Josh Couce - 241 votes, 58.78%
No confidence - 169 votes, 41.21%

HSHP Senator - 225
Elijah Bretton - 191 votes, 84.88%
No confidence - 34 votes, 15.11%

Park School Senator - 451
Griffin Schultz - 345 votes, 76.49
No confidence - 106 votes, 23.5%

Senator at large - 1224
Julia Castle - 585 votes, 25.65%
Jamila Carter, 569 votes, 24.95%
Joshua Kelly - 465 votes, 20.39%
Lexa Pennell - 369 votes, 16.28%
No confidence - 292 votes, 12.8%

SGA & Class Council Election Results -- Numbers Released | 0 Comments |
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