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Who? You. Where? Emerson Suites. When? Saturday, May 3rd @ 7:30pm. Why? Awesome music and endless entertainment, courtesy of Ithacappella!

Where will you be this Saturday night? We know that Finals Week is creepin' up on us, but take a break from studying and celebrate the end of the semester with your favorite boys in blue!

Join Ithacappella in a final farewell to Ben Van De Water, Ned Singh, and Alex Behrens, its three studly seniors (four including the lighting effects mastermind, Andrew Underwood, who intends to go out with a flash), this Saturday night, May 3rd, in Emerson Suites! 

Fresh off a hard-earned Second Place finish in the Boston Sings Collegiate A Cappella Competition, this group’s last performance in the Suites is sure to be its best of the year, with new songs by Pharrell, Queen, Justin Timberlake and A Great Big World! 

Our Alumni Association will also be celebrating with us, reuniting onstage for a special performance that will blow you away!

Doors open at 7pm and the guys hit the stage at 7:30. No tickets necessary, just show up early and claim a seat while they last! Hope to see you there!

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Ithacappella at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.




Ithacappella's Block IV Concert Is Tomorrow, May 3rd! | 0 Comments |
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