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New section: ANTH 29010 ST: Culture, Sex and Gender at 9:25-10:40 Tues. and Thurs. CRN 23799

Due to popular demand we have opened a second section of Culture, Sex and Gender. The 10:50 section is full, the 9:25 am section is now wide open.  This looks to be a very dynamic and engaging class with topics on transgender identities and sexual practices cross-culturally, the anthropometry of Barbie, the deployment of sexuality in war and the technology of orgasm​. This will be taught by our visiting scholar from University of Hawaii, Lynn Morrison. This course has been approved to count towards the ICC Identities theme. For anthropology minors, this will count towards your non-western requirement. 

Need Identities Theme Course? Culture, Sex & Gender second section opened! | 0 Comments |
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