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Yvonne Rogalski, assistant professor in the Department of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, had her research highlighted on the University of Florida website this week.

Rogalski, who did her doctoral work at UF, conducted a study showing older adults remembered more details from a text when they read it and described it to someone else compared to those who just re-read it several times.

The study was inspired by a training technique Rogalski developed at UF called "Read Attentively, Summarise and Review." This method, known as RASR, calls for participants to read a passage out loud and then summarize what they’ve read after each paragraph.

Rogalski’s research was originally published online by Aphasiology in February and appeared in the journal’s print edition in April.

To read the full article on Rogalski’s research, visit the UF website here.

Yvonne Rogalski's research highlighted on UF website | 0 Comments |
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