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 Bruce Henderson, Communication Studies, has been invited by Carole Blair, First Vice-President of the National Communication Association, to be one of six panelists to participate in the Opening Plenary Session of the National Communication Association in Chicago in November 2014.  

 The subject of the plenary session will be diversity/inclusiveness, reflecting on both the past and the future of the various caucuses within NCA committed to these goals.  Henderson is the current Chair of the Diversity Issues Caucus, as well as a member of and past presenter within the Caucus on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Concerns; he also belongs to various other divisions and caucuses within the organization.


This is the 100th anniversary of the National Communication Association and this plenary panel will serve as the opening session for the Centennial Convention.

Bruce Henderson Invited to Participate in Opening Plenary at NCA | 0 Comments |
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