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Susan Weisend's etching, Flight Lessons, was accepted for exhibition in The Printed Image 5, a national competition sponsored by Sabitini Gallery, Topeka, Kansas.

Artists from 35 states entered 423 prints into the national competition, The Printed Image 5. Juror Tom Huck, an international printmaker from St. Louis, MO, accepted 35 prints for the exhibition. "This year's selected work is satirical intense, edgy and challenging. Each artist reflects our world in his or her own way, and are all masters of their techniques,..." "The artworks convey social and political reality." Sherry Best, Sabatini Gallery Director.


Professor Susan Weisend, Art Department, Selected to Exhibit at National Competition | 1 Comments |
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Professor Susan Weisend, Art Department, Selected to Exhibit at NationalCompetition Comment from malpass on 05/14/14
Congratulations Susan! Quite an honor and a deserved one.