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Throughout this summer, ITS will continue to work on implementing the print management solution in the student labs. This effort supports the sustainability goals of the college. Lab and Library users will begin to see changes starting next week! Here's the plan - ITS will be switching print management software from GoPrint to PaperCut, setting student print allowances and running pilots in Friends 110 and the Library over the summer:
This software will be installed in other student labs as part of the regular summer software upgrade process. ITS will be working with directly with Lab Coordinators for scheduling, training and support needs. This plan is a work in progress and may change. Thank you for your support and flexibility. ITS Helpdesk Summer Lab Printing Updates! Comment from
iwiese1 on
This seems rather low in any regard. If it equates to 142
pages, any student in at least 1 writing intensive course a semester is going to be spending a lot of money. Music majors will be in real trouble, as we require a lot of printing of scores and parts and copies of these things for accompanists. Music Composition majors, such as myself, are even worse off, as scores and parts printed through the library will eat up the 142 duplex page limit rather fast. Please reconsider charging students for copies in the library. We can't spend much more money. Summer Lab Printing Updates! Comment from
sbranca1 on
10$ allowance for next semester? This is BEYOND dumb. The reason I have to
print things is because a PROFESSOR wants me to. This past semester, in one of my classes, we had to print out our study guides which we used for homework. You had to print them out - there was no way around it. I think I printed 70 pages, double sided, for just one unit,..... That's about half of my allowance, used up in one unit (there were 3 units for that class altogether) in one class. That means my allowance would have been used up (and gone over) in once class alone. Multiply that times 5? This is just typical. Summer Lab Printing Updates! Comment from
rpolloc1 on
Excuse my french, but this is actually a load of shit. We're pumping thousands of
dollars into an A&E center that doesn't work, giving Rochon a fat raise, and yet, we have to pay for printing. IC keeps attempting to come up with "new ways" to cut costs - closing the Rochester center and the TC Lounge AND raising tuition, yet we still are expected to pay for printing - especially those who already have been printing for free for the last three years. I, for one am outraged, and it upsets me that more people aren't. Summer Lab Printing Updates! Comment from
sbevet1 on
This seems very unfair, especially for students who attended the college with
the knowledge that they would have free printing all four years. Students print things because the professor's require us to, and the average student will go over the $10 budget in a matter of weeks. This gives us no choice but to pay for printing, and many of us do not have the extra money to do that. IC already took away TC Lounge and the Rochester Program, please at the very least let us keep our printing. Summer Lab Printing Updates! Comment from
mdeniso1 on
$5 for summer printing; you only have one hundred pages. For any
Occupational Therapy major who is taking anatomy here in the summer that is not even going to come close to the number of pages we will print. A single lecture is easily 10 pages if you print the slides out 3 per page. That means $5 will cover 10 lectures, which considering the classes meet 4 days a week, will cover about 2 and a half weeks. That doesn't include printing any homework assignments, any pictures to study, diagrams or charts. For any science major, free printing is really important, and I know we are not the only major that requires a lot of printing. Please consider the fact that IC prides itself on hosting a variety of majors suited to a diverse array of students with all different types of learning styles. Some students enjoy taking notes directly into their computers, however there are still many students who are learn best when they can write their notes and label their diagrams by hand. Summer Lab Printing Updates! Comment from
sfrier1 on
I personally think the limit is too low for the printing. I am a music student and
printing out music can be many pages. If one piece is about nine pages long and it cannot be double-sided for sake of reading it on a stand than that is already a lot of the limit and that is only one piece. I do not think there should be a charge for printing but if there has to be then the limit should be higher. Summer Lab Printing Updates! Comment from
gjohnso2 on
While I understand the intention, the college is directly contradicting itself by
instituting this policy. Every professor is being encouraged to publish class notes, handouts, syllabi, and most other class materials online for the students to print out. For a single class I printed out easily close to 200 pages, double sided. While I am usually the last to scream "conspiracy" this honestly just comes off as the school attempting to save money by placing more costs on the students. Costs which were already allotted to our tuition dollars. |
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I hope that the college is planning on monitoring this semesters usage and will be reevaluating the practicality of these limits going into the Spring semester. In the mean time, I hope everyone who may be affected by this will make their voices heard.