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I am pleased to announce that Nancy Pringle and Luke Keller have agreed to co-chair the search committee for our next permanent Provost and Vice President for Educational Affairs.  Ms. Pringle is Vice President and General Counsel for the College, and Dr. Keller is Associate Professor of Physics in the School of Humanities and Sciences.

Their first step will be to select a search firm that that will assist us in identifying the best possible candidate for this position.  In consultation with that firm, they will develop a preliminary outline of the position description which will be used to guide our search as well as inform potential candidates of the nature of the opportunity.

The search committee will be formed at the end of August, consisting of members of the faculty, staff, administration and student body.  I will be working with the executive committees of the Faculty Council, Staff Council and Student Government Association to solicit nominations to the search committee, which will begin work in September.

Update on the Provost Search Process and Committee | 0 Comments |
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