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Robin Davis (Assistant Director Employee Benefits & Work/Life), Katie Sack (Employee Benefits & Work/Life Administrator) and Mark Coldren (AVP of HR), along with Heather Vanca (Wellness Program Manager from eni), presented at the CUPA-HR (College and University Professional Association for Human Resources) National Conference in Las Vegas on October 28, 2013.

The presentation examined IC’s unique Mind, Body, Me wellness program model and how it incorporates existing services into a comprehensive, holistic wellness initiative that invests in employees and provides them with an opportunity to take a greater role in optimizing their health, well-being and job satisfaction. In addition, it detailed how HR leverages student employment and internship opportunities to enhance the student learning experience.

The wellness program model, developed under the umbrella of IC’s Work/Life initiative and sustained by the collaboration of unique partners, with HR at the center, delivers the tools and resources IC employees need to make healthy lifestyle choices. This presentation provided HR with an opportunity to share IC’s unique solutions and strategies with our HR colleagues.

The presentation was one of the top 10 most highly-rated sessions of the national conference. 

For more information concerning the Mind, Body, Me wellness initiative please visit the website at:

Phase two will be presented in September of this year - so stay tuned!


Robin Davis, Katie Sack, and Mark Coldren present at National CUPA-HR Conference | 0 Comments |
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