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Ithaca College was well represented among the performers at a recent concert in Elmira, when several faculty, alums, and students lent their talents to Bach's monumental Mass in B Minor.

The concert on June 1 was sponsored by Elmira's Cantata Singers, and was part of their year-long 50th Anniversary celebration. Among the soloists were tenor Carl Johengen (SOM Faculty) and bass-baritone Nathan Murphy ('12). The orchestra included violinists Craig Evans ('84, IC's Director of Planned Giving), Gary Chollet ('65), and Michael Cleveland ('74), violist Suzanne Miller ('00), flutist Melissa Moore ('07), oboist Paige Morgan (SOM Faculty), trumpeter Scott Kelley ('81), and current students Ben Pawlak (viola) and Amanda Nauseef (bassoon). Joining the Cantata Singers for this event was soprano and current student Lyndsey Boyer.

Bach Mass in B Minor performance brings together several folks with IC connections | 0 Comments |
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