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Yvonne Rogalski, Assistant Professor in the Department of Speech Language Pathology and Audiology, presented a poster titled "Exploratory Study on Hearing, Cognition, and Memory in Aging" at the Clinical Aphasiology Conference in St. Simons Island, Georgia.

The poster was co-authored by Amy Rominger (pictured right), Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Speech Language Pathology and Audiology, and discussed an exploratory study investigating the effects of unaided hearing loss on cognition and recall for auditory versus written expository text passages in normal hearing young adults, normal hearing older adults, and older adults with hearing loss.

Results of the study showed participants performed better on the recall of auditory information regardless of group, hearing loss was associated with several cognitive measures.

Yvonne Rogalski presents poster at Clinical Aphasiology Conference | 0 Comments |
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