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Please join the staff in the Office of the Registrar in wishing a fond farewell and best wishes to Monica McGavin as she leaves Ithaca College after almost 13 years of service in Financial Services, the Department of Occupational Therapy and most recently, the Office of the Registrar for an opportunity at Cornell University.

Monica has done an excellent job of keeping our degree requirements up to date, among other responsibilities at IC. She will surely be missed by all of us. 

Monica’s last day at Ithaca College will be Thursday, July 3rd.

Monica McGavin is leaving IC’s Office of the Registrar | 2 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Monica McGavin is leaving IC’s Office of the Registrar Comment from kjspada on 06/30/14
Although I am SUPER excited for your new adventure, I am sad because.....who will I be silly with????? Seriously, I wish you the best of luck, my tattoo-twin. You are a ray of sunshine and Cornell is lucky to have gained you to brighten their side of the hill. {HUGS}
Monica McGavin is leaving IC’s Office of the Registrar Comment from jtaves on 07/02/14
Monica, Best of Luck to you. Your energy and spirit has kept us afloat through all the changes in the OT program and with ICC. Thank you for all your help and for keeping the OT students on track (couldn't of done it without you!) I wish you the best and hope Cornell realizes how lucky they are to have such a gem as you!