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Great news for users of Adobe products!  Due to changes in Abobe licensing, the college has decided to establish a campus-wide license agreement for the Adobe Creative Suites 6 Master Collection software. This means that the cost for the products in the Master Collection will be covered under a campus license and will no longer need to be purchased through individual department funds. The campus license allows for the installation of these products on any college-owned computer.  The Master Collection includes the following popular products:

  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • InDesign
  • Acrobat Pro XI

The full list of software included in the Master Collection can be found at the bottom of this page:

ITS is working to have the agreement finalized and in place before the start of the fall semester. In the interim, users should refrain from using college funds to purchase any of the products referenced above if at all possible. Any Adobe Software that is not part of the Master Collection should continue to be purchased through departmental funds as needed.

More details will be announced in the coming weeks, including how the software will be distributed.

ITS Helpdesk
104 Job Hall

Adobe Software Purchases to be Covered Under Campus License Agreement | 0 Comments |
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