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Fall 14 Technology Renewal questionnaire notices have been sent to all guardians and area coordinators, and should be completed by 5pm on Friday, July 18th, 2014.

To complete your questionnaire, go to the Technology Renewal website and click on “Your Computer Assets” located on the right side of the page. You will need to log in with your NetPass username and password.  If an asset assigned to you is due to be replaced, you will see a red "Questionnaire Due" link that will take you to the on-line questionnaire.

Please be aware of the following:

* The Apple Mac Mini now replaces the iMac as the standard Macintosh desktop in the program.

* The amount allotted for each Apple desktop replacement is equivalent to the cost of the Mac Mini.

* A monitor is not included if switching from an existing iMac to a Dell Desktop, or if switching from a laptop to a desktop system.

* Apple and Dell recently made significant changes to their product lines, resulting in changes to the replacement systems. Please refer to the Technology Renewal website for more information including replacement system specifications.

Have questions? Contact the ITS Helpdesk at 274-1000 or email

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