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Information Technology Services is hiring for a Lab Consultant for the fall 2014!

Desired Qualifications:

  • Great customer service skills
  • Initiative
  • Ability to work independently
  • Desire to learn about software
  • Basic Knowledge of Windows and Macintosh platforms
  • Knowledge of commonly used software applications such as Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint

Duties and Responsibilities:
Supervise the public computer labs on campus including Friends 110, Williams 210, and the Library. Provide general support for software, hardware, network and printing needs for both Windows and Macintosh platforms. Responsible for the overall upkeep, security and maintenance of the labs.

For additional information and to apply, please visit our student employment hiring website at Watch the video on the main page to get a better idea of what it's like to be a student employee with Information Technology Services. We are accepting applications on a rolling basis at this time.

Need a Job? ITS is Hiring for a Lab Consultant! | 0 Comments |
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