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The Grounds Department, in conjunction with Ruston Paving, will be making repairs and repaving G-Lot and H-Lot beginning on Monday, August 11th. This work will require the lots to be closed to vehicular traffic. Pedestrian traffic will still be allowed for access to the Hill Center, Whalen Center and Gannett Center. The lots are expected to re-opon on Thursday, August 14th. Barricades and signage will be placed at the entrance to the lots informing patrons of the status.

The dates and timing of this work are subject to weather delays and will be communicated if delays occur.  Any questions or concerns can be directed to the Office of Facilities at 607-274-3225. 

Thank you for your cooperation!

Closing of G-Lot and H-Lot for Paving Beginning on August 11th. | 0 Comments |
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