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ITS is investigating problem reports from multiple people and areas about computers not connecting to the Internet properly. The problem is related to Bradford network software, which is not automatically registering college computers on the network as it should be.

The problem is affecting both Mac and Windows computers, in both campus offices and labs. Not all machines are affected.

If your computer presents an Ithaca College campus agreement/registration page, try the following:

  1. Reboot the computer. In many cases this alone resolves the problem.
  2. If a reboot does not work, follow the registration prompts for an IC community member with Netpass credentials. You will be prompted to download and install the Bradford software. If the installation is successful, you should now have normal Internet access.
  3. If neither of the above works, please contact the Helpdesk for assistance at 4-1000.

ITS Helpdesk

Network Connectivity Issues for Multiple Campus Computers | 0 Comments |
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