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On July 16, Michael Twomey (Dana Professor, Humanities and Arts) presented a paper at the 19th Biennial Congress of the New Chaucer Society at the University of Reykjavik, Iceland. 

Co-authored by archeologist Scott D. Stull (SUNY Cortland and IC), the paper, titled "Space and Movement in the Houses of the Miller's and Reeve's Tales," was part of a series of papers on the theme of mapping narratives in medieval literature.  In it, Michael and Scott show how the physical layout and furnishings of the houses in the Miller's and Reeve's tales of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales contribute to Chaucer's satire of the upwardly-mobile characters in the two tales.

Chaucer on ice: Michael Twomey presents paper at New Chaucer Society in Reykjavik, Iceland | 0 Comments |
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