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Oscar, Oscar, O.S.C.A.R.

Contributed by Mark Darling on 08/18/14 

 Not Felix’s roommate or a Muppet in a trash can but, the Office Supply Collection And Reuse project that redistributes surplus office supplies on campus and is located at 196 Phillips Hall.


 OSCAR is a project of the Resource and Environmental Management Program (REMP) to collect and redistribute reusable office supplies among Ithaca College offices, departments and student organizations. OSCAR is a place where you can share unwanted but, still usable and useful, supplies from your office with other departments on campus. It's also a place to find usable items, donated by others, for your office.

OSCAR is located in the very small Room 196 Phillips Hall across from the Education Department.

Presently OSCAR is awash in Pendaflex hanging file folders and 3-inch and 5-inch three-ring binders in excellent condition. There is a cart outside OSCAR with some of these items but, there are more! Email: to arrange a pick up of used supplies or if you would like access to "browse" the collection of in-boxes and other filing aids.

OSCAR will be open and staffed with regular hours when classes resume.  Check with OSCAR before you purchase new supplies. OSCAR is a FREE service.

Oscar, Oscar, O.S.C.A.R. | 0 Comments |
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