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Mara Alper’s documentary art Sacred Waters of Bali screened at the Westbeth Gallery in New York City from May – June. It was exhibited in the “Time Frames Marking Time” multi-media exhibition that featured 19 artists who engage time as a palpable presence. The show was curated by Elisa Decker and Barbara Lubliner. The video can be viewed on Mara’s Vimeo channel at  It is part of a longer work in progress about water in Balinese rituals and in their complex irrigation system.

Because of her work in Bali, Mara was invited to give a talk on “Exploring Culture Through Filmmaking” in June at the Cornell seminar “Global Competency and the Arts”  presented by the Einuadi Center for International Studies.

Westbeth Gallery is operated by the Westbeth Artists Residents Council under the direction of the Chair of Visual Arts and visiting curators. Westbeth opened in 1970 through funding provided by the National Endowment for the Arts and the J.M. Kaplan Foundation and continues to offer an array of cultural activities.

Mara Alper’s documentary art at Westbeth Gallery in NYC | 0 Comments |
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