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Heather Dichter, assistant professor in the Department of Sport Media and Management, co-edited the recently published book Diplomatic Games: Sport, Statecraft, and International Relations since 1945

The book explores the role sports has played in driving political and cultural change in the world over the past seven decades, examining landmark events including the United States' boycott of the 1980 Olympics in the Soviet Union and the end of apartheid in South Africa. 

For more information or to buy this book, click here

Heather Dichter co-edits Diplomatic Games: Sport, Statecraft, and International Relations since 1945 | 1 Comments |
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Heather Dichter co-edits Diplomatic Games: Sport, Statecraft, andInternational Relations since 1945 Comment from psubramaniam on 08/29/14
Congratulations, Heather!

Raj Subramaniam