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Please help us give our Facilities Services team a big thank you as we celebrate Facilities Services Appreciation Week September 8th - 12th.

Facilities Services Appreciation Week is traditionally celebrated each year during the second week in September. Recognized worldwide as Housekeeper Appreciation Week since 1981, the week honors the efforts and dedication of professionals who maintain a clean, safe and healthy environment for their colleagues and the public. Here at Ithaca College we celebrate Facilities Services Appreciation Week as it encompasses all of those who clean, move, store and set-up our areas and overall work hard at making our lives comfortable and safe. Please join us in telling these providers how essential they are and how much they are appreciated.

Facilities Services Appreciation Week September 8th - 12th 2014 | 1 Comments |
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Facilities Services Appreciation Week September 8th - 12th 2014 Comment from mwalters on 09/08/14
Thank you to ALL of the hard working, dedicated Facilities Attendants on campus. I especially want to thank the Residential Staff. Our staff does so much more than just keeping the Res-Halls clean, they go out of their way to make sure that this place feels like "home" to the students who live on campus. Their work often gets taken for granted and over-looked but I assure anyone reading this that the Ithaca College Facilities Services staff work hard each day making sure we provide a clean, safe and healthy environment for all of our students, staff and guests.
Enjoy your week everyone...You really are appreciated!