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In order to further assist the college in gathering, analyzing, and acting upon critical data, the Office of Institutional Research is joining the Division of Enrollment and Communication.  Since 2008, it has been located within the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Educational Affairs.

The Office of Institutional Research (IR) has traditionally served as a comprehensive source of historical and trend information about Ithaca College. IR is also responsible for the preparation and submission of numerous annual reports required by the federal government or other governmental bodies.  This change in reporting structure will not diminish those established responsibilities.  However,


I have asked IR to expand upon its current role by establishing an enhanced, ongoing analytical capacity.  Vice President Eric Maguire has been charged to lead this initiative, which is institution-wide in scope, in order to advance organizational effectiveness and our educational mission. 

This realignment and focusing of effort, which in some quarters is called “business intelligence” or “enterprise analytics,” will require input and collaboration from a number of offices and academic areas across campus.  Information must be assembled and coordinated from currently decentralized areas for analysis and evaluation.  If successful, these initiatives will reveal new ways in which we can improve key metrics for the institution and deploy our resources so as to further advance the educational experience for our students.  

Office of Institutional Research Joins Division of Enrollment and Communication | 0 Comments |
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