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  • Student Health 101 is a free e-magazine that covers a large range of topics including sleep, stress, nutrition, fitness, alcohol use, and more! 

The articles and videos contained in SH101 change monthly. Check out the "Campus Correspondent" page to watch video clips of IC students sharing their thoughts and advice on how to stay healthy in college.

In this month's September issue:

  • Start Smart (Transition tips for the school year)
  • Sleep Study (Top 10 tips for better nights)
  • Good mood food (The new twist on emotional eating)
  • and much more!

Here's the link!

 Student Health 101 is sponsored by the Center for Health Promotion at Ithaca College, with generous support from Student Affairs and Campus Life (SACL) and the Department of Health Promotion and Physical Education (HPPE).

Read the newest issue of Student Health 101: IC's wellness e-magazine! | 0 Comments |
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