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The US has experienced an explosive growth of inequality. Why? Is it the inevitable result of globalized capitalist economies or is it the result of policy choices? If the latter, can we design policies to reverse the rapid increase of income and wealth inequality in the US? After an opening skit, participants develop "elevator speeches" to counter the neoliberal explanations of why US inequality has grown. We discover that the "Curse" also imposes significant social and psychological costs.  

Where? Tompkins County Workers' Center 115 The Commons / Martin Luther King Jr. St., upstairs, Ithaca  

free and open to the public, but please come on time

More information:

organized by Democratic Socialists of America, Ithaca local

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Patricia Rodriguez at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible. 

'The Curse of Economic Inequality' -- Mon, Sept15 6:00-8:00 pm --workshop downtown | 0 Comments |
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