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When Google Glass was announced in spring 2013, the response from consumers to the quirky yet futuristic looking eyewear was almost universal.

“Looks cool, but what does it do?”

Well, Ithaca College clinical associate professor Mike Buck is one of many leaders in the field of physical therapy answering that question. In a recent article by Today in PT, Buck discusses how Google Glass can improve physical therapy sessions by allowing students to see themselves through the eyes of a patient.

“Glass almost seems limitless in applications for education and healthcare delivery,” Buck told Today in PT. “Imagine working with patients, and you need information while the patients are exercising. If you are wearing Glass, you have a hands-free way to bring up information instantly while you are treating people. To me, the only limit is our own imagination.”

The article also speaks with other PT professionals who explain how Google Glass can help elderly patients avoid falls by improving their balance. It can also be set to call an emergency number in case a person does fall.

To read the complete article in Today in PT, click here


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