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Submitted on behalf of Interim Provost Linda Petrosino

I am pleased to announce that effective September 16, there will be several staffing changes in the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Educational Affairs.

Danette Johnson, who has served for the past year as Assistant Provost and Director of Core Curriculum, has agreed to assume expanded responsibilities and to serve the office as the Vice Provost for Academic Programs.

Her responsibilities will include direct oversight for functions and offices that deal directly with academic programming, including academic program assessment, curriculum development, integrative core curriculum, graduate programs and student petitions. Danette will work with the Offices of Civic Engagement, Extended Studies, International Programs and the Registrar.

Carol Henderson, who has served since 2011 as Associate Provost for Accreditation, Assessment, and Curriculum, has been named Associate Provost for Faculty and Student Advancement.

Carol will continue to work with the Center for Faculty Excellence and Sponsored Research, Center for Academic Advancement, and the Library. She will assume responsibilities related to student retention, faculty recruitment, diversity, and inclusion and will continue as the institutional NYSED liaison. Carol will also continue to lead the institutional accreditation process.

A search will soon begin for the Assistant Provost for Finance and Administrative Operations. This position was recently vacated by David Garcia and has been revised to serve a shared role as the financial manager for the Offices of the Provost and the President.

The Provost and Vice President for Educational Affairs will continue to have direct oversight and responsibility for academic and educational programs, which include having a direct reporting relationship with the deans, the director of intercollegiate athletics and recreational sports, and the senior associate vice president for student affairs and campus life.

The above changes do not increase the number of staff within the provost’s office, but realign responsibilities to better achieve our mission of achieving excellence as a residential comprehensive college that provides an integrated educational experience for our students.

Linda Petrosino
Interim Provost and Vice President for Educational Affairs

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